Tuesday, August 26, 2008

How to Adapt a Community HIV Program

Adapting a Community HIV Prevention program is more than simply advocating safe sex. It is a means of opening the lines of communication and helping community members apply preventative measures to their daily lives.

Research your community through outreach or needs assessment to determine the effectiveness of a particular prevention program. This process may require technical assistance and the recruiting and training of staff.

Sponsor community events, such as neighborhood potlucks or music festivals. The resulting camaraderie can help to make communication more effective.

Get the message across with peer education by staffing and training people who have a personal stake in the community. Employing community members to save the lives of their loved ones is a powerful tool.

Find ways to implement the notions of family, community and ethnic pride, such as through family counseling and language classes. Programs that address issues beyond HIV may draw more participants and bring community members closer together.

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